Strona: Informacje o czasopiśmie / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

Informacje o czasopiśmie

Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology offers an international publication forum for new ideas, insights and results related to manufacturing science and technology. The journal publishes original research papers and brief communiqués addressing topics at the forefront of manufacturing new science technologies. Emphasis is placed on the multi-disciplinary nature of the field. This will help readers wishing to become acquainted with related subjects through exposure to information on various aspects of materials research. The increasing spread of information on these subjects aids in shedding light on relevant topics about new technological materials and on processes beyond the scope of readers’ own core specialties.

We want Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology to be a medium for papers on innovations not covered by journals devoted to either applied engineering or fundamental science.

The Editorial board appreciate the importance of ‘impact factor’ in authors’ choice of journal , but it can be seen from the high calibre of the Editorial Advisory Board members, the Editors themselves and, not least in having Sciendo as the publisher, that AMST will rapidly grow to be a major force in manufacturing science and technology topics.

Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology publishes fundamental papers on:

  • Manufacturing processes, production equipment and automation, product design and manufacturing systems,
  • Welding, joining, machining, cutting etc,
  • Rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing - 3-D fabrication techniques,
  • Manufacturing process monitoring, control and automation,
  • High temperature materials production, materials degradation and their characteristics,
  • Heat and mass transfer in alloys and steels,
  • Continuum process modeling and simulation,

and others.

Papers submitted for publication should contain new experimental or theoretical results and their interpretation. Both laboratory and industrial practice fall within the scope of the journal.

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