Strona: HSS-2020-01 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. XXV, 27 (1/2020), January-March 2020
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Anna Curzytek: Carnival as a time of celebration: Rituals in kindergarten
Henryk Ćwięk: A new dimension in the security of Poland
Justyna Lipińska: Social dialogue as the essence of virtual organizations
Anna Nizioł, Norbert Życzyński: An increase of the region's competitiveness through effective tourist product management: an example using the thematic trail
Marcin Nowak: Nomothetic and idiographic approach in management sciences
Krzysztof Rejman, Grzegorz Błażejewski: Social rehabilitation of individuals with physical disabilities   
Grzegorz Rosłan: Psychological actions in the armed conflict  
Serhii Sheiko, Olena Kolodii: Development of entrepreneurship in the context of civilizational dynamics 
Oleh Sokolovskyi, Oksana Chaplinska: Christological discourse in the modern theology of catholicism  
Dariusz Zając, Magdalena D. Suraj: Economic activity of residents in border districts of Poland: A study of non-agricultural business enterprises
Krzysztof Załęski, Zdzisław Śliwa: Hybrid warfare as a strategic tool for shaping policy of the Russian Federation 

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