Strona: HSS-2023-04-pII / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. 30, No. 4 (2023) - part II, October-December 2023
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Małgorzata BARAN: The manufacturing company microworld as a strategic management tool. The efficiency in order fulfillment 
Anna BARWIŃSKA-MAŁAJOWICZ, Maria BOSAK-SOJKA, Miroslava KNAPKOVÁ, Katarzyna CHUDY-LASKOWSKA, Teresa PIECUCH, Radosław PYREK: Taxonomic analysis of unemployment in EU countries in the context of sustainable development 
Paweł DOBRZAŃSKI, Magdalena DOBRZAŃSKA, Paulina SKALSKA, Jozef GLOVA: Parking infrastructure management as an element of the smart city concept 
Laurian GHERMAN, Grzegorz ROSŁAN: Cooperation in the field of missile defense in the Euro-Atlantic area 
Agata GIERCZAK, Kazimierz NAGODY-MROZOWICZ, Alicja ŻAK-ŁYKUS: Self-compassion and the rationality of praxeological leadership 
Marzena HAJDUK-STELMACHOWICZ, Paulina BEŁCH, Lucia BEDNÁROVÁ, Zuzana ŠIMKOVÁ, Katarzyna CHUDY-LASKOWSKA: Environmentally friendly products – how customers from Generation Z in V4 countries assess this approach 
Dorota KAMUDA, Małgorzata TRYBUS: Cybercrime of reading information obstruction under art. 268 of penal code as a threat to security of the Republic of Poland 
Kamil KARDIS, Krzysztof PRENDECKI, Krzysztof REJMAN: Bureaucratic corruption and liberal solutions 
Tomasz KIJEK, Arkadiusz KIJEK, Anna MATRAS-BOLIBOK: Innovation-friendly public procurement: a firm-level analysis for Poland 
Ryszard KLAMUT: Different values as the predictors of various forms of civic engagement. The Polish case 
Nataliia KOSTIAN, Mirosław ŚMIESZEK, Petro MATEICHYK: Coordination of optimization targets at different levels of charging infrastructure development management 
Piotr KOZŁOWSKI: The end of the Ukrainian-Russian war: new/old threats to Polish internal security and public order 
Grzegorz LEW, Magdalena BOCHENEK: The concept of customer cost accounting in customer relationship management 
Justyna LIPIŃSKA, Grzegorz OSTASZ, Ecaterina-Liliana MIRON: From information policy to strategic communication 
Marcin MERKWA, Milan SUDZINA: Human rights and the idea of natural rights 
Aldona MIGAŁA-WARCHOŁ, Jolanta STEC-RUSIECKA, Olga BUCKIŪNIENĖ, Arturas VITAS: Living standards of Polish and Lithuanian residents after the COVID-19 pandemic: the impact on living conditions 
Izabela OLEKSIEWICZ, Sabri ÖZ: The most important changes in EU asylum and refugee policy after 2015 
Kinga OSZUST: TikTok as a method of brands’ communication with Generation Z 
Andrzej PACANA: A model of internal auditors’ management systems assessment compliant with ISO 45001
Aneta PACHURA, Krystyna KMIOTEK, Małgorzata SMOLAREK, Joanna DZIEŃDZIORA, Agnieszka RZEPKA, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ: Work satisfaction in SMEs: a comparative study of selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe 
Teresa PIECUCH, Jolanta STEC-RUSIECKA, Agata WARMIŃSKA, Bożydar ZIÓŁKOWSKI, Anna MOLTER, Artur KARWATKA, Olga BUCKIŪNIENĖ: Gamification in management education  Jerzy PUKAŁA, Taner ISMAILOV: The abuse of law clause with respect to VAT 
Mirosław SOŁTYSIAK: Polish women on the banking services market: an empirical analysis of Polish women’s attitudes towards banking for women 
Hanna SOMMER, Grzegorz ZAKRZEWSKI: Understanding space security culture as a new explored human environment 
Krzysztof SUROWIEC, Petro MATEICHYK: The power status of Asian and Pacific region states on the basis of synthetic power measures from 1992 to 2022 
Tomasz S. SZOPIŃSKI, Robert NOWACKI, Alicja FANDREJEWSKA, Beata ZATWARNICKA-MADURA: The determinants of electric scooter acceptance among students as a manifestation of adapting to the requirements of e-mobility, using the technology acceptance model 
Krzysztof TERESZKIEWICZ, Piotr ANTOS, Paulina OSTYŃSKA, Karolina KOWALCZYK, Anna GŁADYSZ: Assessment of long-term taste and smell color blindness as a result of COVID-19 disease
Robert WALASEK, Beata SADOWSKA, Nina STĘPNICKA, Dominik ZIMON: Exploring the effects of oil prices on road freight in Poland amidst COVID-19 and Russo-Ukrainian war 
Lucyna WITEK, Wiesława KUŹNIAR, Anna KOROMBEL, Alena ANDREJOVSKA: Green marketing: perceived green purchase control and its role in explaining green purchase intentions: the emerging market perspective 
Norbert ŻYCZYŃSKI, Tadeusz OLEJARZ, Lucia BEDNÁROVÁ: IT support for dangerous goods warehouse operations in retail 

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