Strona: HSS-2022-03 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. 29, No. 3 (2022), July-September 2022
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Mukesh Shankar BHARTI: The spiritual belief to protect from COVID-19: the case study of India
Ilia CHUKIN, Natalia GERASYMCHUK, Yanina LISUN: Trends of the advertising and communication market of Ukraine and promotion of the advertising agency brand in the social media
Andrew ENAIFOGHE: The emergence of COVID-19 presents the need to address the exacerbated structural gender inequalities beyond the pandemic
Mariola GRZEBYK, Małgorzata STEC, Pavlina HEJDUKOVA: Financial situation and sustainable development of territorial units – a comparative analysis of Polish voivodeships
Arkadiusz M. JASIŃSKI, Agnieszka BĄKOWSKA: Attitudes towards globalization, life satisfaction, and fear of COVID-19 infection. Comparison of emerging and older adults
Harris MADUKU, Julieth GUDO, Victor H. MLAMBO: Unpacking the enigma of democracy, intergenerational inequality and poverty in South Africa
Izabela OLEKSIEWICZ: Special character of the Polish counterterrorism policy as compared to the European Union

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