Strona: HSS-2020-03 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. XXV, 27 (3/2020), July-September 2020
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Anna Barwińska-Małajowicz, Kamila Tęcza: Regional labour market and depopulation – an assessment of the situation in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Viacheslav Blikhar, Mariia Blikhar, Mykola Kozlovets: The importance of legal convergence in the actions of the state regarding relations with the church: a comparative approach
Tamiliia Dotsevych, Tamara Tkach, Viktoriia Slabouz: Phenomenon of “communicative act”: A psycholinguistics perspective
Ewelina Kaczmarska: The functioning of feminativum in the Polish linguistic reality. A case study
Tomasz Kuczur: Political crime in Polish systemic conditions in the 20th century
Nuria Muñoz Vila, Jacek Strojny: Analysis of the management skills required of leaders of project teams using the analytic hierarchy process method (AHP)
Bartosz Pasterski: Organization of the oil industry in south-eastern Poland in the years 1944–1989
Małgorzata Polinceusz: Dissolving assemblies to guarantee security
Małgorzata Polkowska: Space diplomacy – future perspective
Serhii Sheiko, Olena Kolodii: Possibilities of resolving the dilemma ‘power−knowledge’ in the process of the civil society formation in Ukraine
Magdalena Szydełko: The key limiting factors for the establishment of a benchmarking partnership in cluster enterprises
Ewa Trojanowska: Material and living conditions of the Jewish people in ghettos in the Rzeszów poviat during German occupation
Alicja Żukowska: The energy sector in the process of achieving superpetrostate status in the light of strategic documents of the Russian Federation
Grzegorz Ostasz: Book review: The Mańkowski Chronicles, Andrzej Emeryk Mańkowski, “ASPRA” Publishing House, Warsaw 2017, 920 pages

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