Strona: HSS-23-(4-2016) / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences

HSS, vol. XXI, 23 (4/2016), October-December 2016

(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)

Ostateczna wersja opublikowana  -  data opublikowania 30.12.2016,  data udostępnienia
Open Access  CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL


Spis treści

Piotr Adamczewski: Knowledge transfer and innovation support as exemplified by Wielkopolski ICT Cluster 
Aleksandra Badora, Saad Obaid Fayyadh: „Silent hunger” in the context of some chemical products of industry 
Bogusław Bembenek, Marzena Frankowska, Katarina Havernikova: Cluster policy as a determining factor for development of world class-clusters 
Igor Britchenko, Viktoria Stoika: The need for creating an effective risk management in commercial banks of Ukraine 
Lidia D. Czarkowska: Four pillars of personal agency of an entrepreneur: harmony in emotions, cautiousness in thinking, respect in relations and courage in action 
Fryderyk Czekaj, Justyna Stecko: Importance of trust and trust management by organizations 
Sylwia Dziedzic: Eco-innovative awareness of young women and men as an element of eco-innovative management of region development 
Józef Forystek: The underground system of justice in The Home Army's Rzeszów Sub-region 
Jarosław Ignacy: The development of management control as a new public management tool – diagnosis of Polish municipalities in the light of empirical research 
Natalia Jergova, Lucia Bednarova: Human capital investigation and identification its key criteria of the article 
Oktawia Jurgilewicz, Aleksandra Piskorska: Some remarks on the meaning of "security" 
Katarzyna A. Kurek: An approach to geothermal resources as a regional development driver in Poland 
Agnieszka Leszczyńska: Impact of Environmental Knowledge and Value of the Environment on Work Commitment 
Joanna Mysona Byrska: The female consumer, who she is, who she wants to be and who she cannot be as a consumer 
Tadeusz Olejarz: An implementation of the HACCP system in military units in 2004 
Grzegorz Ostasz: The Polish Government Delegation. The main part of the Polish Underground State 
Michaela Sirková, Viktória Ali Taha: Analytical view on talent management in Slovak tourism organisations 
Marzena Starnawska: Social entrepreneurship avenues for the field development through research paradigm intersection discussion 
Krzysztof Surowiec: Legal and institutional frameworks and participation of political parties in the elections to legislative Sejm in 1919 in the Podkarpacie region 
Marzena Syper-Jędrzejak: Work-life activities as a way of building the image of the employer 
Edyta Więcławska: Horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of nearly-synonymous terms in the language of law 
Grzegorz Zimon: The influence of a purchasing group on the profitability of commercial companies 
Zbigniew Zontek, Christopher Whitworth: Managing knowledge: social organizations in the UK and Poland 

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