Strona: HSS-2024-01 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. 31, No. 1 (2024), January-March 2024
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Ugochukwu David ABASILIM: Exploring the concept of leadership 
Renata BRAJER-MARCZAK, Anna MARCISZEWSKA, Anna ZABŁOCKA-KLUCZKA: In search of the factors fostering green project management in nonprofit organizations: research results from Poland 
Wacław DOBROWOLSKI: Determinants and prospects for the development of the opiate economy in Afghanistan 
Agata KLAUS-ROSIŃSKA, Katarzyna WALECKA-JANKOWSKA, Anna ZGRZYWA-ZIEMAK: The significance of knowledge management processes for business sustainability: the role of sustainability-oriented projects
Natalia KOZIK, Agnieszka CHOLEWA-WÓJCIK, Małgorzata JAROSSOVÁ: Consumers’ opinions on the usefulness, understandability, and reliability of product claims on natural cosmetics packaging 
Tomasz KUCZUR, Krzysztof Henryk LEWANDOWSKI: The administrative-legal position of the commission for security and order 
Adriana MERTA-STASZCZAK, Krystian WOJTKIEWICZ: Forms of protection and preservation of historical cultural heritage (case study) 
Victor H MLAMBO: Conflicts and violence: the challenges of protecting refugees in Sub-Saharan Africa 
Paweł PASIERBIAK, Tomasz BIAŁOWĄS: Imbalance in EU trade with selected Asian economies – a comparative analysis based on gross exports and domestic value-added 
Małgorzata POLINCEUSZ: The voivode's recommendation as a specific tool for security protection in a dualistic model of local government in Poland 
Maciej SABAL: The circular economy and sustainable development: implications for the social sciences 
Magdalena SZCZEPAŃSKA: Responsible consumption in the purchasing decisions of young consumers 
Natalia SZWAJCZAK: The supervising rights of the Ministry of Justice over the professional self-government of attorneys-at-law as an example of particular forms of public management 

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