Strona: HSS-2019-04 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. XXIV, 26 (4/2019), October-December 2019
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)

data udostępnienia - data opublikowania

Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Marek Angowski, Tomasz Kijek: Gender and social media in product innovation searching process
Bartłomiej Balawejder, Robert Dankiewicz, Anna Ostrowska-Dankiewicz, Tomasz Tomczyk: The role of insurance in cyber risk management in enterprises 
Aldona Małgorzata Dereń, Jan Skonieczny: The Yellow organization as an integrative stage in the F. Laloux' organization model 
Damian Gębarowski: The impact of marketing infantilism on the efficiency of market mechanisms 
Agata Gierczak: Psychological load of managers and destructive organizational processes
Hanna Hall: An application of qualitative marketing studies in the identification of the consumer decision-making process. Effects and benefits  
Julia Kuczur, Tomasz Kuczur: An assault on a public official in the Penal Code of 1997 against the background of other normative code solutions in Poland in the 20th century – an outline of the issues   
Adam Laska: Political thought of the Polish Socialist Party former Revolutionary Faction in the period of 1928–1939 
Jagna Mucha: Consumer protection in practice – transnational comparative account of collective redress mechanisms 
Leszek Pawlikowicz, Krzysztof Surowiec: Modernisation of the armoured component of the Russian Federation's ground forces in the years 2015–2018. An outline of the subject 
Renata Piętowska-Laska: Productivity management in the contemporary enterprise – analysis, evaluation and improvement 
Michał Proksa: The Palace in Zarzecze in the history of Polish Romantic Architecture         
Sabina Rokita: Project management and planned cost accounting    
Katarzyna Sokołowska: Picture of evolving society captured in British commercials            
Celina Sołek-Borowska: Benefits and disadvantages of adopting video recruitment
Elżbieta Szczygieł, Teresa Piecuch, Oleg Lozinsky: Towards inclusive economy – necessity or choice in the context of the material situation of people with disabilities      
Edyta Więcławska: Sociolinguistic and grammatical aspects of English company registration discourse 

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