Strona: JCEEA-65-01 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


JCEEA, t. XXXV, z. 65 (1/18), styczeń-marzec 2018

(p-ISSN 2300-5130), (e-ISSN 2300-8903)

data udostępnienia w momencie opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Peter CAUNER, Stanislav KMEŤ:  Analysis of Cable Dome under Various Initial Conditions
Magdalena WARZYBOK, Jolanta WARCHOŁ:  Synthesis of Kaolin-Based Zeolite Y and Its Application for Adsorption of Two Carbonyl Compound Gases
Volodymir KORNIICHUK, Mykola KHLAPUK, Olexander BEZUSYAK, Liubov YASINSKA:  Sharp-Crested Weir Head Losses Investigation
Anna BOCHENEK, Katarzyna KLEMM:  Evaluation of Thermal Comfort of the City’s Public Spaces By the Use of Numerical Simulations
Zuzana VRANAYOVA, Daniela KAPOSZTASOVA, Zuzana POOROVA:  Water Management of “Smart” Buildings and Cities
Maria MRÓWCZYŃSKA, Elżbieta GROCHOWSKA, Sławomir GIBOWSKI:  Monitoring Vertical Displacements of an Engineering Object with Masonry Walls
Dominika KUŚNIERZ-KRUPA:  Moret-Sur-Loing – Cultural Heritage, Its Value and Protection
Agata ZDYB, Piotr DRAGAN, Arkadiusz JAREMEK:  The Analysis of the Solar Power Plant Performance in Temperate Climate
Jakub JURA, Małgorzata ULEWICZ:  Impact of Glass and Ceramic Waste on Selected Properties of Materials with a Cement
Wojciech RADWAŃSKI, Tomasz PYTLOWANY, Izabela SKRZPCZAK:  The Analysis of Road Building Technology with a Data Normalization Method
Tadeusz NOCH:  The Use of a Heat Pump and Solar Energy in the Heat Demand
Piotr KONCA:  The Effect of Pozzolans Addition on Cement Mortars
Marek JABŁOŃSKI, Iwona SZER, Jacek SZER:  Risk Analysis on Scaffoldings Exposed to Noise
Alicja TAMA, Katarzyna ADAMEK, Karolina PARGIEŁA, Agnieszka OCHAŁEK, Artur KRAWCZYK, Michał LUPA:  Monitoring of Historical Land Use Changes Caused by Underground Mining in Miedzianka Town, Based on a Webgis Tool and Insar Observations
Magdalena SĘP, Anna SIKORA:  The Validity of the BDOT10K Database on the Example of the Town of Tarnobrzeg
Karol KRUPA, Piotr GLEŃ:  The Complex of St. Florian and St. Catherine Church in Gołąb as a Unique Example of Military Art of Lublin Voivodeship
Iveta BULLOVÁ:  Analysis of the Air Flow in Selected Buildings
Irena ICKIEWICZ, Piotr KODA:  The Influence of the Environment on Objects of Historical Value

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