Strona: HSS-2023-02 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. 30, No. 2 (2023), April-June 2023
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Adeoluwa ADEWUMI, Crispen CHIPUNZA: The characterisics and challenges of the informal sector: implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for small and micro-businesses in Lagos, Nigeria
Ewa GWARDZIŃSKA, Małgorzata CHACKIEWICZ: A ban on the export of EU goods to Russia
Łukasz JUREŃCZYK, Maria Ewa SZATLACH: The US–Kenya free trade agreement: a gateway to closer commercial cooperation with Africa
Justyna LIPIŃSKA: Disinformation content in Polish cyberspace
Aldona MIGAŁA-WARCHOŁ, Bożydar ZIÓŁKOWSKI, Patryk BABIARZ: The circular economy vs the sustainable development approach to production and consumption: the case of the European Union countries
Angelika NIGBOR-DROŻDŻ, Wiesław ŁUKASIŃSKI: Challenges determining the success and failure of a startup in the opinion of representatives of generation Z in Poland
Bartosz PASTERSKI: The beginnings of occupational medicine in interwar Poland – an introduction to research
Dariusz PAUCH: Ransomware attacks as a cybersecurity insurance coverage threat
Adrian SADŁOWSKI, Jacek BRDULAK, Anna BUDZYŃSKA: The transport of Ukrainian grain through Poland and the domestic grain market
Bogusław ŚLUSARCZYK, Małgorzata A. KOZŁOWSKA: Levels of road safety in the European Union and its spatial diversity
Xolani THUSI, Victor H. MLAMBO: The grass suffers when elephants fight: lessons for Africa from the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Anna WIECZOREK-SZYMAŃSKA: Gender inequalities in the light of EU gender mainstreaming activities

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