Strona: HSS-25-(4-2018) / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences

HSS, vol. XXII, 25 (4/2018), October-December 2018

(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)

Ostateczna data udostępnienia z chwilą opublikowania 
Open Access  CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL


Spis treści

Małgorzata Cieciura, Hanna Czaja-Cieszyńska: Non-governmental organizations in the face of a dilemma: accounting books versus simplified record of revenues and costs 
Maciej Ciołek: Questioning mind in accounting students – an experimental study
Robert Dankiewicz: Debt risk management as a decision process in an enterprise
Anna Delekta, Justyna Stecko: Family as a determinant of tourist activity of students of the University of Lviv
Waldemar Dymarczyk: The image of a business leaders in the commercial photographic services
Nataliia Gerasymchuk: Background of using renewable energy sources in order to ensure energy efficiency of Ukraine 
Wojciech Hanus: Gen. Brig. Włodzimierz Muś (1918-1993). An exemplary model of a military career in the People's Republic of Poland 
Przemysław Hus: The criminal offence of "abuse" on the family included in the bill of the penalty code of 6 June 1997 in the article 207 of the penalty code 
Witold Jedynak: Religious Education at Polish schools in the context of sociological studies 
Mariusz Kapusta: Research on learning safety and hygiene in a mining company 
Jarosław Kinal, Mariusz Palak: Socio-spatial dimensions of digital divide 
Michał Marcin Kobierecki: Inter-Korean sports diplomacy as a tool of political rapprochement 
Iwona Kowalska: Controversies in the process of management of free funds by local government units 
Grzegorz Lew: Customer relations in building value for the customer in commercial enterprises 
Damian Liszka, Paweł Walawender: NEET Youth – the concept’s presence in the European Union’s Youth employment policy and why it is so problematic 
Ewa Wanda Maruszewska: Performance-bonus contract in light of IFRS 15 and the Polish Accounting Act 
Grażyna Michalczuk, Julita Fiedorczuk: Challenges of social accounting in the sphere of the measurement of national intellectual capital (NIC) 
Paweł Mikołajczak: Capital market union: creating new opportunities to social enterprises 
Marta Nowak: How do accounting students perceive employer-emploee relation? Qualitative research with usage of zoomorphic metaphor 
Iwona Oleniuch, Izabela Cichocka: An attempt to determine the scale of food conservatism – results of the pilot study 
Agnieszka Orankiewicz, Artur Majer: Trends in film industry development in Poland 
Joanna Ruszel: Erasmus Programme – functional analysis and evolution of the programme from 1987 till 2016 
Beata Sadowska, Ceslovas Bartkus: The accounting system as an information base for business performance management 
Dorota Semków: Tactical and Criminalistic Aspects of Police Negotiations in Crisis Situations 
Marta Smykała: And they lived happily ever after... or did they? The portrayal of old age and older people in foreign language teaching textbooks 
Piotr Szczypa: Strategic management accounting in the management of logistics processes. Results of the pilot studies 
Magdalena Szydełko: The essence and attributes of inter-organizational relations 
Bogusław Ślusarczyk, Małgorzata Lechwar: Institutional modernization vs. competitiveness of economies 
Małgorzata Węgrzyńska, Xesús Pereira López, Manuel Veiga Carballido: Agro-technical documentation as a supporting tool in presenting information in farm financial statements 

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