Strona: MMR-23-(4-2016) / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej



MMR, vol. XXI, 23 (4/2016), October-December 2016

(p-ISSN 2300-6366), (e-ISSN 2353-0758)

Ostateczna wersja opublikowana – data udostępnienia w momencie opublikowania 30.12.2016.

Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL


Spis treści/Contents

Aleksandra Badora, Małgorzata Chacewicz: Management of innovative millet products in the context of selected chemical properties

Ryszard Bartnik, Zbigniew Buryn, Anna Hnydiuk-Stefan: Which power technologies are worth considering as an investment?

Bogusław Bembenek, Katarzyna Kowalska: SMEs development within industrial clusters - strategic challenge for cluster management

Anna Delekta, Justyna Stecko: History of ethical thought in the context of ethics management

Jakub Drzewiecki: Opportunities, threats and variability of business models of Polish businesses adapting outsourcing – research results

Beata Glinkowska, Elżbieta Strzelecka: Smart specialisations of regions and creative businesses in the regional development

Justyna Grześ-Bukłaho: Main factors for the forming of reputation in the process of building a competitive advantage of development enterprises – the results of empirical research

Petre Iltchev, Anna Piechota, Remigiusz Kozłowski, Michał Marczak: The capital market as a source of financing for small innovative companies in the medical industry

Monika Kosacka, Karolina Werner-Lewandowska, Paulina Golińska-Dawson: Developing framework for sustainability indicators system (SIS) for the remanufacturing companies  from automotive industry – research results

Josef Krause: Voluntary instruments of environmental care as a global trend – example of the sitaution in the Czech Republic

Anna Lewandowska, Mateusz Stopa: Innovation strategies in SMEs. Some evidence from the case of Podkarpackie, Poland

Agnieszka Ociepa-Kubicka, T. Nitkiewicz, P. Pachura, B. Skowron-Grabowska: Possibilities and limitations of the eco-innovation implementation in small enterprises

Joanna Radomska: Comprehensiveness of a strategy execution measurement system

Katarzyna Ragin-Skorecka, Magdalena Wyrwicka: Identifying the potential of greater Poland to develop cooperation networks

Paulina Rewers, Justyna Trojanowska, Przemysław Chabowski, Krzysztof Żywicki: Impact of Kaizen solutions on production efficiency

Agata Rudnicka: Business models based on sustainability. Practical examples

Alfred Szydełko, Renata Biadacz: The role of financial statement in performance management

Łukasz Szydełko, Jolanta Rubik: Enterprise environment analysis – methods in use and development trends

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