Strona: HSS-2024-04 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


Humanities and Social Sciences
HSS, vol. 31, No. 4 (2024), October-December 2024
(p-ISSN 2300-5327), (e-ISSN 2300-9918)
data udostępnienia - data opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Abimbola A. AKANNI, Choja A. ODUARAN: Enhancing workplace safety behaviour through safety culture among brewery workers: The mediating role of work-life balance 
Robert CIBOROWSKI, Karolina TRZASKA, Marian ZALESKO: Libertarian premises of knowledge commercialization in higher education institutions
Krzysztof CZUBOCHA, Amelia OSTAPIUK, Oliwia OSTAPIUK: Organizational climate and culture in Polish administration system: theoretical and practical considerations 
Jan ČAMBORA, Jan HOLZER: Post-democracy. Remarks on application possibilities and limits of the concept in the Czech context 
Dorota DRAŁUS, Monika WICHŁACZ: Moral Panic, Narrativity, and Agonistics 
Zygmunt DUDEK: State institutions in the fight against the negative effects of gambling in Poland
Mateusz Piotr GANCEWSKI: The French stance towards the Polish people’s republic from the election of François Mitterrand to the lifting of martial law as assessed by Polish diplomats 
Lena GRZESIAK, Wojciech ULRYCH: How auditor-oriented employee performance management affects internal audit effectiveness by reducing its constraints 
Anna HORZELA-MIŚ, Mariusz KMIECIK: Bibliometric analysis of the current state of research in the field of cognitive technologies in logistics 
Agnieszka JĘDRUSIK: Comparison of risk management in the aviation and automotive industries 
Tomasz KIJEK, Anna MATRAS-BOLIBOK, Beata PODSTAWKA: Determinants of enterprise collaboration on innovation 
Katarzyna KILIAŃSKA: Ecological and socially responsible activities of businesses as a determinant of customer purchasing behavior
Izabela A. KOŁODZIEJ, Magdalena BOROWSKA: The use of e-learning tools in training and the development of social-digital competences in the generational Z group
Rajae LAHSSIOUI: Effectiveness of innovative solutions in multicultural management based on a big pharma company case study
Eugeniusz MOCZUK: Disapproved group behaviors within the Police Force
Krzysztof PRENDECKI: Agriculture as a unifer of security and development in the face of free market challenges 
Mirosław SOŁTYSIAK, Dariusz ZAJĄC: Analysis of the level of knowledge and acceptance of the local currency by representatives of Generation Y 
Magdalena WĘGLARZ: Building environmental awareness among students in Poland – case study Wrocław University of Science and Technology 
Anatolii ZADOIA, Małgorzata GÓRKA, Bogusław ŚLUSARCZYK, Agnieszka WOŹNIAK, Aneta KASPERKIEWICZ: Improvement of quality management system in the enterprise – case study 

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