Strona: JCEEA-65-02 / Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej


JCEEA, t. XXXV, z. 65 (2/18), kwiecień-czerwiec 2018

(p-ISSN 2300-5130), (e-ISSN 2300-8903)

data udostępnienia w momencie opublikowania
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL

Spis treści

Edyta BERNATOWSKA, Lucjan ŚLĘCZKA:  Stress and Strain Concentrations in Steel Angle Tension Members Connected by One Leg
Tomasz DOMAŃSKI:  Resistance of Steel Fasteners Subjected to Shear at Public Arenas in Normal and Fire Temperatures – Probabilistic Approach
Mariusz MAŚLAK, Maciej SUCHODOŁA, Piotr WOŹNICZKA:  Temperature Distribution in a Steel Beam-To-Column Joint when Exposed to Fire. Part 1: End-Plate Joint
Krzysztof KUCHTA, Rafał SILEZIN, Paweł ŻWIREK:  Technological Aspects of Execution of Welded Joints in Hollow Sections
Marian GWÓŹDŹ, Damian KOWALSKI:  Telescopic Joints in Steel Tube Towers
Grzegorz GREMZA, Jan ZAMOROWSKI:  Damage Analysis of the Blade to the Rotor Hub Connection in the Wind Turbine
Krzysztof KUCHTA, Rafał SILEZIN, Paweł ŻWIREK:  Execution and Inspection of Steel Hollow Sections Welded Joints
Tomasz DOMAŃSKI, Krzysztof KMIECIK:  Fire Resistance of Timber Joints with Steel Fasteners
Mariusz MAŚLAK, Michał PAZDANOWSKI, Małgorzata SNELA:  Critical Temperature Evaluation for a Steel Frame with Joint Stiffness Decreasing in Fire
Mariusz MAŚLAK, Maciej SUCHODOŁA, Piotr WOŹNICZKA:  Temperature Distribution in a Steel Beam-To-Column Joint when Exposed to Fire. Part 2: Flange-Plates and Web-Cleats Joint
Przemysław KRYSTOSIK:  Design Resistance of Welded Knees in Steel Frames
Izabela TYLEK:  Shaping of Architecturally Exposed Steel Structures
Mariusz MAŚLAK, Michał PAZDANOWSKI:  Influence of the End-Plate Thickness on the Steel Beam-To-Column Joint Stiffness when Subject to Bending
Tomasz SIWOWSKI, Maciej KULPA:  Fatigue Tests of Welded Joints in Steel Orthotropic Bridge Deck
Piotr MILEWSKI, Mirosław BRONIEWICZ:  Resistance of the Welds in CHS Joints with the Rib Plates
Jerzy K. SZLENDAK, Adrian SZPYRKA:  Resistance of Tension Brace in Plug & Play N Shape RHS Truss Connection
Jan ZAMOROWSKI, Grzegorz GREMZA:  On the Design of a Steel End-Plate Beam-To-Column Bolted Joint According to PN-EN 1993-1-8
Zdzisław PISAREK:  Approximated Method for Determining Moment Resistance and Stiffness of Bolted Beam to Column Joints Made with Angle Web and Flange Cleats
Krzysztof OSTROWSKI, Aleksander KOZŁOWSKI:  Credibility of FEM Analysis in the T-Stub Modelling

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