Strona: MMR-20-03 / Publishing House


MMR, vol. XVIII, 20 (3/2013), July-September 2013

(p-ISSN 2300-6366), (e-ISSN 2353-0758)


Table of Content

Mehmet Aldonat Beyzatlar, Yesim Rabia Kustepeli: Highway and railway infrastructure, real income and structural breaks

Katarzyna Chudy-Laskowska, Tomasz Pisula: The comparative analysis of the companies from the TSL sector operating in Poland and Slovakia

Magdalena Dobrzańska, Paweł Dobrzański, Mirosław Śmieszek: Modern logistics in health service

Marcin Gębarowski: Natural values as a basis for positioning of Polish cities and regions

Liudmila Kozak, Elena Bakulich, Valentina Ziuzina, Olesia Fedoruk: The use of fuzzy cognitive models for diagnostics of probability of enterprises’ bankruptcy 

Vasyl Mateichyk, Viktoriya Khrutba, Nataliya Horidko: The peculiarities of knowledge management in environmental projects 

Aldona Migała-Warchoł, Paweł Hydzik, Marek Sobolewski: The analysis of changes in mortality in traffic in the European Union countries in the period 1991-2011  

Tomasz Pisula, Grzegorz Mentel, Jacek Brożyna: Predicting bankruptcy of companies from the logistics sector operating in the Podkarpacie region 

Beata Rębisz: The study of the dynamics of traffic accidents using the control charts  

Mirosław Śmieszek, Mirosław Liana, Mariola Nycz: The size of public passenger transport and the number of passenger cars in Poland and Slovakia  

Roman Szostek, Damian Mazur: An example of optimizing the size of the queue in the nondeterministic logistic systems  

Natalia Tsymbal: Управление качеством в проектах перевозок пассажиров автомобильным транспортом

Tina Vukasovič: Social media and its implications for building brand relationship 

Karsten Weber: Vorausschau und Regulierung von Innovationsprozessen im Bereich der ubiquitären Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie    

Oleksandr Zaporozhets, Inna Gosudarska: Application of constrained cost benefit analysis to the third party risk control around airports

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