Strona: CEE 2007-2012 / Publishing House

CEE 2007-2012

Civil and Environmental Engineering



Scientific Papers of Rzeszów University of Technology – Civil and Environmental Engineering issued since 1983 are a continuation of scientific publications issued since 1973 under the name of Dissertations – The works of the Institute of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
They are indexed in the following databases and search engines: BazTech, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV 2012: 6.46.


Rok 2012

Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (1-I) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (1-II) Table of content Abstracts  Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (2-I) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (2-II) tom 1 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (2-II) tom 2 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (3-I) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (3-II) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (3-III) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (3-IV) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 59 (4) DOI   Full version
Cooperating Reviewers

Rok 2011

Civil and Environmental Engineering z 58 (1/11) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z 58 (2/11) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z 58 (3-I/11) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z 58 (3-II/11) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z 58 (3-III/11) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z 58 (4/11) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Cooperating Reviewers

Rok 2010

Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 57 (1-10) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 57 (2-10) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 57 (3-10) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 57 (4-10) Table of content Abstracts Full version
Cooperating Reviewers

Rok 2009

Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 51 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 52 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 53 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 54 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 55 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 56 Table of content Abstracts Full version

Rok 2008

Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 50 Table of content Abstracts
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 49 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 48 Table of content Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 47 Table of content Abstracts Full version

Rok 2007

Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 46 Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 45 Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 44 Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 43 Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 42 Abstracts Full version
Civil and Environmental Engineering z. 41 Abstracts Full version

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