Strona: JMA 31 Eng / Publishing House

JMA 31 Eng

JMA 31 (2009)
Journal of Mathmatics and Appllications No 31

Waggas Galib Atshan, S. R. Kulkarni: On generalization of some classes of Salagean-type multivalent harmonic functions

Ł. Bacher, A. Kamiński, R. Nalepa: On single-valued and multi-valued convergences

C. M. Bălăeţi: Differential superordinations defined by an integral operator

J. Dziok, G. Murugusundaramoorthy, A. Wiśniowska: Subordination results and integral means inequalities for generalized k-starlike functions

Tomasz Krajka, Zdzisław Rychlik: The speed of convergence of random products of sums of independent random variables

Alina Alb Lupaş: On a certain subclass of analytic functions defined by Sălăgean and Ruscheweyh operators

Saiful R. Mondal, A. Swaminathan: Coefficient conditions for univalency and starlikeness of analytic functions

Chr. Mouratidis: Geometric result in the boundary behaviour of Blaschke products

Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros: Subordinations and superordinations using the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator

Adela Olimpia Tăut: The study of a class of univalent functions defined by Ruscheweyh differential operator

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