Strona: MMR-22-01 / Publishing House


MMR, vol. XX, 22 (1/2015), January-March 2015

(p-ISSN 2300-6366), (e-ISSN 2353-0758)

Ostateczna wersja opublikowana – data udostępnienia w momencie opublikowania 30.07.2015.
Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL


Spis treści/Contents

Lucia Bednárová, Natália Jergová, Zuzana Hajduová, Andrzej Pacana: Proposal of employee competency improvement

Krzysztof Borowski: Analysis of monthly rates of return in january and december on the example of selected world stock exchange indexes

Luibov Chernova: Management principles of technoparks in transitive countries under conditions of globalization

Agnieszka Cholewa-Wójcik, Agnieszka Kawecka: The influence of effectiveness of packaging elements on the consumers’ preferences with the use of marketing eye-tracking technique

Gérard A. Kokou Dokou: Caractéristiques entrepreneuriales et décision du dirigeant-créateur d’entreprise

ЛюдмилаДовгополюк: Определениедлины переходно-скоростнойполосы надорожныхразвязках вразных уровнях

Renata Beata Dylkiewicz, Paulina Katarzyna Dylkiewicz: Internet marketing resulting from increasing consumer e-commerce spending from the view of adoption benefits and barriers

Marcin Gąsior, Łukasz Skowron, Stanisław Skowron: Ukrainian labour market from the perspective of poles – stereotypes or negative experiences? 

Agata Gemzik-Salwach, Paweł Perz: Macroeconomic consequences of new prudential regulation in the banking sector

Barbora Gontkovičová, Emilia Duľová Spišáková: The necessity of employee education

Iwona Oleniuch, Izabela Cichocka: Regional food products and region-wise consumer ethnocentrism

Анатолий Пальчик, КатеринаДодух: Практическая пропускная способность полосыдвижения автомобильнойдороги

Jacek Strojny, Wim Heijman, Piotr Stefanów: The competitiveness of Podkarpackie region in Poland: a comparative analysis with respect to chosen benchmarks

Maciej Urbaniak: Building relationship between OEM customers and suppliers in product innovation development processes in B2B market

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